Account undefined.
under review
Taylor Lineman
Merged in a post:
Invalid token
Paul Cook
Editing that undefined account (when manny accidentally removed from web as authorised app), generates this error when saving edits.
Taylor Lineman
under review
Paul Cook
One solution could be a clear account cache?
Paul Cook
Paul Cook: I used the TestFlight version 1.1.1 to purchase in-app supper nanny, add a new account (same account as one with invalid token) and then removed invalid account.
Taylor Lineman
Hmm this is certainly not good. I will look into adding a catch case for when this happens
Paul Cook
Paul Cook
This issue also happens in ice cubes app for mastodon. In ivory, they check that the token is still active and display an error for you to log back in. In essence, clearing an app from being authorised (from a browser) would cause this issue when reusing that app.
In Ice Cubes and Manny, reading the account and deleting one whose authorisation was removed is a work around.